Price Agreement Table Sap

Price Agreement Table in SAP: Understanding the Basics

SAP is one of the most widely used enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems today. It integrates various business processes such as finance, sales, procurement, and inventory management among others. In SAP, the Price Agreement Table is an important module that enables organizations to manage their pricing policies and agreements with different suppliers.

What is a Price Agreement Table?

A Price Agreement Table (PAT) is a master data table in the SAP system that stores information about the different pricing policies and agreements that a company has with its suppliers. It contains a list of all the materials, services, and products that are covered by the agreement, as well as the agreed-upon prices and discounts.

Why is it important?

The Price Agreement Table is a critical component of a company`s supply chain management strategy. It allows for consistency in pricing, reduces the risk of errors, and ensures that suppliers are paid according to the agreed-upon terms. It also helps companies minimize the possibility of disputes over pricing and contract terms.

How does it work?

The Price Agreement Table is set up and maintained by the company`s procurement team in SAP. When a purchasing request is made, the system automatically retrieves the relevant information from the PAT and applies the pre-negotiated prices and discounts to the purchase order. This ensures that orders are processed quickly and accurately, without the need for manual calculations or negotiations.

Benefits of the Price Agreement Table

The use of a Price Agreement Table in SAP can bring significant benefits to organizations, including:

1. Consistency in pricing: By setting standardized prices and discounts, companies can ensure that they are paying the same amount for a given product or service from one supplier to the next.

2. Reduced risk of errors: The use of a PAT helps to reduce the likelihood of errors in pricing calculations, which can lead to incorrect invoices and payments.

3. Improved supplier relationships: By having clear and transparent pricing policies, companies can build stronger relationships with their suppliers, which can result in better quality products and services, on-time delivery, and improved supplier performance overall.

4. Streamlined procurement processes: The use of a PAT allows for faster and more efficient procurement processes, as orders can be processed quickly and accurately.


The Price Agreement Table is an essential module in SAP that enables companies to manage pricing policies and agreements with their suppliers. Its use can bring significant benefits to organizations, including consistent pricing, reduced risk of errors, improved supplier relationships, and streamlined procurement processes. By taking advantage of this feature, companies can gain a competitive edge by optimizing their supply chain management strategy.

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